Distance between centers mm 1000-4000
Swing diameter above bed mm 610
Swing diameter above cross slide mm 400
Diameter of face plate mm 500
Headstock and spindle
Spindle nose DIN 55029
Spindle bore mm 90
Spindle rpm min1 20-2000
Bed and slideways
Bed width mm 650
Length of carriage mm 820
Travel of cross slide mm 610
Tool cross section  mm 25x25
Electric motor
Power kW 7.5
Rpm number min1 1400
Number 48
Range of longitudinal mm/o 0.04-9.14
Range of cross  mm/o 0.02-4.59
Number 48
Metric mm 0.28-64
Withworth pitch/1ʺ 9/16-128
Modul 0.07-16
Quill diameter mm 80
Pinolenkegel Morse 5
Sleeve travel mm 185
Maximum workpiece weight
Between centers without  steady kg 2000
Between centers with one steady kg 2500
Weight of machine 
1000 mm kg 2550
1500 mm kg 2690
2000 mm kg 3060
3000 mm kg 3340
4000 mm kg 3850
Area needed
1000 mm mm 2825x1025
1500 mm mm 3325x1025
2000 mm mm 3825x1025
3000 mm mm 4825x1025
4000 mm mm 5825x1025

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